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Dr. Zianon Pazniak. “Belarus is an eastern Outpost” Index: Memorandum Introduction. Historical survey During the whole Belarusan history until the end of the 18th century Belarus was the shield of Europe in the East. The Belarusan Slavic principalities have united into the powerful state - the Great Lithuanian Principality (the GLP) or Litva (according to the name of the central Slavic tribe whose princes had initiated the unification of the Belarusan territories). The Great Principality has stopped the Mongol aggression against Europe and established the border of the empire of Chingiz-Khan. The Great Principality resisted and fought against the East during the centuries (against the Golden Horde and then against Moscow). The border between the Great Lithuanian Principality and Russian Principality of Moscow represented at the same time the border between two different political systems, different civilizations and different worlds - the democratic, cultural European world and the Eastern despotic tyrannical world. At the end of the 16th century the Great Lithuanian Principality and Poland have founded the «Union of two Nations» - «the Republic» (Res Publica, Rech Paspalitaja, Rzecz Pospolita). At the end of the 18th century this Republic has been liquidated by three empires: Russian, Prussian German and Austrian. The territories of Belarus (the Great Lithuanian Principality) have been annexed by Russia. The term «Belarus» (the conventional name of the Eastern Belarusan territories) is of the later origin. This term has been stabilized as a result of the Russian occupation policy which tried to annihilate our country, culture and all the Belarusan values (the Russian regime has prohibited even the name «Belarus» etc). The term «Belarus» has been stabilized as well under the influence of the Belarusan national, cultural and political movement. This movement has legalized and spread the term «Belarus» on the whole Belarusan people. In 1918 this movement has founded the independent Belarusan People’s Republic (the BPR) inside the borders of the ethnic territory of the Belarusans: i.e. the GLP without Zhemaitia (Zhamojc). Former Zhamojc (the Baltic part of the GLP) has proclaimed its independence at the same time with the capital in Kouna (Kaunas). This new country was called «Lithuania» or «the Lithuanian Republic». From this time (because of the changes of the names of ethnoses and states) the terminological and historical confusion (and much worse the manipulation) begun. The communist Russia has occupied the Belarusan People’s Republic at the end of 1918. The Belarusan People’s Republic has been divided as a result of the Russia and Polish war (1919-21). Poland has occupied the Western part of Belarus and Soviet Russia has occupied the Eastern part. At the beginning of the WWII Soviet Russia has occupied the Western part of Belarus. Stalin has given up the capital of Belarus Vilnya (now Vilnius) to Lithuania in exchange for the concession made by the Lithuanian government: Lithuania has permitted to introduce the Soviet army on its territory. Stalin has introduced his army and occupied Lithuania. But Vilnya remained in Soviet Lithuania. There are the good relations between our peoples. But the Belarusan capital Vilnya and the Vilnya region (which remain in Lithuania) represent the main source of the hidden tension between the Belarusans and the Lithuanians. The Belarusan state cannot function normally without its historic and cultural capital and cannot agree with its loss. At the same time the young generation of the Lithuanian people is considering Vilnya its own. 1990 the Supreme Soviet of the Belarusan Soviet Socialist Republic has presented an official request (signed by Mr. M. Dzemiancei, the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet) to the leadership of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic: to give back Vilnya to Belarus if Lithuania would decide to proclaim the independence and leave the Soviet Union. But this request has been inspired by Moscow in order to prevent the collapse of the USSR. The Soviet leadership didn’t think to return the Belarusan capital to Belarus. The Kremlin would use the Belarusans for its imperialist policy. Because of that the Belarusan Popular Front «Adradzennie» (which understood the provocative Russian character of this document) didn’t support this request. The Belarusan Soviet Socialist Rupublic had presented the well-grounded requests to Russia on the return of the Belarusan city Smalensk (Smolensk) and the Belarusan territories of the Smolensk, Briansk and of a part of the Pskov regions occupied by the Russian communists at the beginning of the 1920s. 1990 the delegation of the MPs of the Supreme Soviet of the Belarusan Soviet Socialist Republic (members of the Belarusan Popular Front) has had the negotiations with the MPs of the Supreme Soviet of Russia and the leadership of the Smolensk region on the return of Smolensk and the Smolensk region to Belarus. The movement for democracy and independence October 19, 1988 the Belarusan Popular Front «Adradzennie» (the BPF) has been founded in Minsk. The main political tasks of the Front were the democracy and the independence of Belarus. The Front has resolved these tasks in 1991. The Communist party of the Soviet Union and the Young communist organization (the Komsomol) have been dissolved in Belarus and the state independence of Belarus has been proclaimed on August 25, 1991 thanks to the activity of the fraction of the BPF in the Supreme Soviet. The struggle for the democratic way of Belarus and for the change of the power (the state power was in the hands of the Soviet pro-Russian nomenclature) has been started. From the beginning of its activity the Belarusan Popular Front has had its geopolitical conception of the existence of Belarus in the world. In accordance with this conception it was necessary to reduce the danger for Belarus from Russia and Germany after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The central idea was the project of the Baltic and the Black Sea Commonwealth (the BBSC) formed by the eastern European countries (Belarus, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova; Poland and Slovakia could join this Commonwealth in the future). This project made provision for the return of the third power in Europe (in accordance with the situation which existed in the 13-18th centuries before the division in Europe). The BBSC would represent the Eastern Europe on the border with Euroasian Russia. April 26, 1990 the MPs of the Supreme Soviet of the Belarusan Soviet Socialist Republic (members of the Belarusan Popular Front) have carried on in Minsk the first conference of the Eastern European countries on the foundation of the BBSC. The reaction by communist Moscow against the idea of the BBSC was extremely negative and threatening. Moscow considered this idea as an attempt of the undermining of the USSR. November 1990 the MPs of the parliamentary fraction of the Belarusan Popular Front have carried on in Minsk the second international conference on the BBSC. I have had the talks with Mr. V. Kebitch, prime minister of the Belarusan government in that time, on the governmental support of our conference and of the BBSC. We have achieved the agreement. The conference took place in the conference hall of the governmental center in Minsk. But in the evening before the conclusion of the conference the frightened governmental officials have entered the conference hall. They have expressed the order of the prime minister to leave the conference hall. But we have just finished the conference. The press conference took place in the building of the Supreme Soviet. The reason of this prime minister’s conduct was clear: in the evening the Russian president B. Yeltsin has called him and ordered very roughly to stop the conference. Mr. Kebitch has obeyed. The Belarusan Popular Front continued to elaborate the project of the BBSC: the proposition on the construction of the Baltic and Black Sea petrol Collector. Ukraine and Latvia have supported us. In 1993 Mr. Siarhei Baychyshyn, the deputy chairman of the Popular Movement of Ukraine, has disappeared (he has had the documents of the petrol Collector) after the conference in Minsk. Russia reacted violently and nervously against the idea of the BBSC and the petrol Collector. Since the middle of 1992 the agents of the Russian KGB began to occupy all the structures of the Belarusan state authorities. The prime minister was under their influence, he became the executor of their policy. Namely the Russian KGB directed in 1994 the presidential electoral campaign of both Russian henchmen - V. Kebitch and A. Lukashenka. The KGB has secured the appointment of Lukashenka the president of Belarus. The relative democratic period was finished in Belarus. The regime The Lukashenka regime in Belarus is the regime of the internal occupation of Belarus by the Russian secret services. The KGB has used the democratic electoral mechanism founding this regime. It has used also the structures of the state power and the old Soviet nomenclature which controlled the authorities. The Russian KGB has seized the key positions in the Belarusan authorities. The policy of the occupation regime is the anti-Belarusan policy. This policy is directed against the Belarusan independence and democratic forces in order to undermine the cultural and national existence of the Belarusan nation. The regime has closed the Belarusan schools, prohibited the Belarusan newspapers and magazines, radio and TV in Belarusan language, burned the Belarusan text-books. The regime is carrying on the policy of the brutal russification and the repressions against the Belarusans, especially against the young people. The anti-Belarusan policy of the pro-Moscow regime has the object - to annihilate the national and cultural life of the Belarusan people, to implant and strengthen the influence of Russia in Belarus in all the spheres, to prepare the incorporation of Belarus into Russia. Moscow has had formulated its main object in Belarus - to liquidate the Belarusan Popular Front - the national and democratic force which is able to threaten the regime. It is symptomatic that Mr. Hans-Georg Wieck (the German director of the OSCE Mission in Minsk) as well as other liberal functionaries from Europe (especially from Germany) did participate in this dirty affair. 1999 the Belarusan Popular Front has been split into two organizations thanks to the joint Russian and German efforts. One part remained on the positions of the national democracy and resists against the Russian and German policy in Belarus. The second one has joined the nomenclature pseudo-opposition directed by the Germans and Moscow and controlled by the KGB agents. The directed pseudo-opposition has been founded in Belarus thanks to the efforts of Mr. Hans-Georg Wieck. In 2004 Mr. Wieck has confessed that he had collaborated secretly with the KGB in this affair (the newspaper «Belorusskaya gazeta», 2004. 01.12). The pseudo-opposition has been formed in Belarus. This was a typical operation of the secret services which had harmed the cause of the democracy and confused the situation. The pseudo-opposition consists of some parties (from the communists to the split part of the Popular Front). The pseudo-opposition does represent a very motley spectacle and doesn’t represent an independent political force. The pseudo-opposition is directed and financed from Berlin and Moscow. This group executes the projects and the orders of these two centers. This fact has been confirmed by the actions which this «opposition» did participate in. All these actions represented the political disasters. This dependent quasi-opposition didn’t have any political successes (even any minimal) during the last five years. The imitators and their structure have the main function - appropriate the money received from their tutors for their pseudo-activity. This structure has many persons which are very far from the policy. They are making «the political business» (this is their own formulation). The pseudo-opposition is hindering the national and democratic movement which struggle against the regime. For example - the actual events in Belarus. The regime has fixed the elections to the Lukashenka pseudo-parliament (the «chamber of representatives») on October 17 this year. The regime has elaborated a special system of the electoral frauds. The authorities have the main object - to force the people to participate in the elections. The results of the elections are just fixed. These results depend only from the regime. It is impossible to win the system of the electoral frauds formed by Lukashenka acting in accordance with the regime’s rules. The electoral system of the dictatorship is invincible - this is the rule of all the dictatorships. It is possible to undermine the system of the electoral frauds only through the boycott. It is inadmissible to go to the poll-stations and to participate in the poll because in this case the falsified elections became formally legal. (Nobody from the unnecessary candidates will be let in the pseudo-parliament (the «chamber»). This is indisputable). Especially as the «chamber» doesn’t have any independence or any legislative rights. Moreover (this is the main factor) the regime plans to launch the illegitimate referendum together with the elections October 17 (proposing the questions on the third presidential term of Lukashenka and the amendments in the Belarusan Constitution which are necessary for the regime). Moscow and Berlin are pushing the pseudo-opposition to participate in the electoral farce in order to secure their own interests. The elections represent the trap in order to launch the referendum and to preserve the Lukashenka regime. The pseudo-opposition is participating in the electoral campaign. This action is very harmful for Belarus because the dictatorship will become legitimate and the dictatorial regime will be strengthened in Belarus. But the Belarusan population doesn’t will go to the poll-stations. The organizations of the Belarusan National and Liberation Movement are preparing the boycott. The KGBism The new technology of the state power has been established in Belarus and Russia - the «KGBism» (according to the title of the secret service). The former Soviet KGB has the state power in these countries. The KGb was a most organized and structured force in destabilized Russia of Boris Yeltsin. The KGB has had the well-trained staff, agents and was paid by the state. Yeltsin and his henchmen pretended to reorganize and reduce the KGB. But their actions have only helped the secret services to reorganize themselves in the new circumstances. Some years later the KGB began to control the protection and functioning of all the Russian banks through its agents. The KGB has taken under control the whole so-called «dull» (criminal) business, the police and the criminal world. During the Yeltsin period the KGB has penetrated deeply and totally into the Russian structures of business. The KGB became the possibility to control and influence the movement of the capital. The KGB has penetrated also the mass media, it has formed and taken under its control many NGOs and political organizations. In 1994 Moscow has led its henchman A. Lukashenka to the state power in Belarus using the KGB. The Belarusan society was not enough politically and nationally mature to resist this aggression. Two aspects are very important in this event. Firstly - the old Russian policy has returned to Belarus; its object is to annihilate all the Belarusan values. Secondly - the pro-Moscow regime in Belarus represents the experiment for the future system of the KGB regime in Russia. In 1999 the absolutely unknown KGB officer V. Putin has appeared on the top of the Russian state leadership. This fact witnesses openly that he is not an independent political figure. Putin is a henchman of the certain groups and forces. The last parliamentary elections in Russia have demonstrated the force and power of the new (collective and shadow) KGB regime. The KGB has participated in those elections almost openly. It has formed the artificial pro-Putin party which didn’t have any electoral program. And nevertheless this party has won the elections thanks to the state power, the official propaganda, agitation and electoral frauds. What has happened? The Soviet secret service has seized the whole and absolute state power in Russia as a result of the formally legitimate process 13 years later after the liquidation of the Soviet communist party and the collapse of the USSR. (In Belarus this event has happened 8 years earlier, in 1996 and as a result of the illegitimate coup d’etat). The super-party whose name is the KGB has seized the absolute power in the imperialist country with the imperialist mentality and ideology. It is not easy to find the analogies of this party and of this situation in the world history. This party is the state centralized structure of power, its members are strictly structured and subordinated. This super-party does exist on the state money and controls all the administrative centers of Russia. Its activity is secret in accordance with the Law. The super-party has a huge staff hidden from the society (also in accordance with the Law), the internal and external agents which are able to penetrate and control all the institutions, all the social groups. This fact witnesses the unrestricted possibility to control all the spheres of the state, social and political activity. Thus the super-party is the state mafia. This mafia has been formed legally and it is acting under the protection of its own authorities and laws. Their main «ideology» are money. But this form of the state power is caused by the imperialist mentality of the Russian society. The regime has taken into account this aspect. Because of that fact the super-party declares the state patriotism and the Russian state interests (which are identical with the personal and corporative interests of the KGB) as the official political ideology. The economic existence of this mafia system is directing Russia to the deadlock. But this system can exist a very long time in Russia. It is obviously that this KGB system of the state power cannot be democratic. This system is striving always to control the society, the mass media and the public opinion, the commercial activity and the business. In fact the KGB super-party does propose (without the public declarations) its version of the globalization through the penetration of the secret services into the capital. They propose the control by the secret services of all the world financial transactions, goods and resources. It is necessary to take into account that all the secret services are executing the political tasks of their national governments. But the Russian secret service the KGB is itself the government, the party and the state. The concentration of the Russian dull capital in the West (it esteems that there are 300 - 500 billion dollars of the Russian capital in the West) is connected not only with the criminal transactions. This money is being just used by the KGB super-party in its interests. This money can have a very negative political role in the future. The West is afraid of the Russian criminals. But the West is not able to understand who does control the movement of the criminal capital in Europe. At the same time the western persons conclude the agreements with the Russian firms and continue to think in accordance with the western stereotypes. They are not able to understand that they are cooperating with the state KGBism. They open the door to the Russian intelligence service and let it to infiltrate their interests. The Russian KGB is the organization with the horrible criminal past, the criminal terrorist traditions. Nobody has refused these traditions. On the contrary the regime bases the state ideology on these «heroic traditions of the past». The terrorism was always the main sphere of the activity of the KGB. During the cold war the terrorist activity of the KGB has been extended, structured and systemized. This activity became an element of the foreign policy. The KGB has founded the bases on all the continents. Many centers for training of the international terrorists have been formed in the Soviet military bases and universities. The terrorists from the whole world (Cuba, Africa, Latin America, Arabian countries etc.) have been trained in these centers. In the 1960s the special «University of the Friendship Between the Peoples Patrice Lumumba» has been founded in Moscow for the training of the terrorists. (The well-known terrorist and Marxist Sanches Ilich Ramirez (alias Jackal) has been trained in this «university». He has been arrested and sentenced in the 1990s in France). After the training in the USSR the terrorists acted under the control of the KGB in Africa and Latin America exporting «the revolution» and «fighting» in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Afganistan and in the whole Middle East as well as in Vietnam. This «experience» and the international network of the terrorism (formed by the KGB) didn’t disappear after the collapse of the USSR. Its staff, agents and relations remain. Nowadays there is a main example of the terrorist activity of the actual historical period - the war against the United States. There are some certain and obvious questions. But nobody asks these questions now when the topic of the terrorism became the main topic in the western world. This is very surprising. Firstly: where is the center of the terrorism? Who is directing the terrorist activity? Who has prepared and executed such complicated diversion as the attack against the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington? Who? Ben Laden? This is not seriously. Every person which is able to analyze does understand that such operation cannot be executed only by the terrorist group. The special commission of the Congress of the USA has made the conclusion on the lack of cooperation between different special services of the USA and mistakes made by them. They were unable to prevent the tragedy of September 11. But it is known (even from the literature and the cinema) that the professional specialists of the secret services begin suddenly to make mistakes before some event if foreign secret service influences they (or acts inside their structure) and controls their activity. After the diversion on September 11 the United States have been involved easily into two wars in the Middle East. The war corresponded to the interests of the national security of the USA. This step was necessary (this step was a right one in accordance with the logic of the fight). But let us ask: whose interest represented this war? Why two intelligence services (American and British) have suddenly made primitive mistakes when the weapons of mass destruction were not found in Iraq? Their «mistake» was the following: the intelligence services maintained that the Saddam regime has the weapon of mass destruction. But if it would be known that Iraq doesn’t have this weapon the war could be avoided. It is some times useful to analyze the topic of the profit. The diversion of September 11 has struck the whole Western world. No one western country did receive any political profit from this event. But Russia has at once used this situation in order to hide its state terrorism and the criminal war in Chechnya representing the Muslim religious character of the Chechen people which defends its Fatherland. The Russians represent the right of the Chechen people to the defense as the Islam terrorism. The manipulation was successful. The West has given up perfidiously the Chechen people to be annihilated. Nobody has got some profit from the war in Iraq. Only Russia has got the profit from this war. It is well known that the economy and even the stability of the political regimes in Russia depend on the prices of the petrol. As a result of the war in Iraq the prices have increased abruptly. Russia is receiving the dollars (not expected in its preliminary plans). The Russian regime has now plenty of dollars. They don’t know where to spend this money. Russia has given recently 175 million dollars to the Lukashenka regime in order to launch the illegitimate referendum (as a credit). The petrol dollars are activating the business and new initiatives. Russia and the KGB super-party have got the profit during the short time because of the big sums of the petrol dollars. This profit is equal to the big state efforts in order to carry on the economic reforms, investments and credits which should be invested during many years. But Russia has achieved this profit very easily. It was enough that the USA had started the war in Iraq. The KGBism (in my opinion) signifies the privatization of the state by the secret services (in this case by the KGB). This form of the state power is special. The KGB super-party is as if invisible. The different political groups and persons, firms and banks are acting on the surface but they don’t declare their belonging to the KGB. This system is similar to the structure of the Masonic lodge. It is not easy to destroy this system politically. Especially as the KGB uses the formally democratic mechanisms (the elections, the parliament etc.) and controls their function. The Russian KGBism is able to hide its aggressiveness. This is the most dangerous circumstance. The world cannot yet understand which form of the state power has Russia. The world is ready to call it even «democracy» - this is the mockery of the healthy sense. The Commonwealth of the Fatherlands We don’t like the German and French project of the European federation. This form of the European Union is not based on some common spiritual idea. This form refuses the spiritual traditions of Christian Europe. Because of that the crisis of this form of the European Union is inevitable. The Belarusans cannot accept the idea of the liberal super-state in the West instead of free Europe of the free peoples. We don’t have any interest to become part of this state. The Belarusans accept more Europe of the Fatherlands and the ideology of the Fatherlands which is based the freedom on. Future and free Belarus will aim at the close co-operation firstly with North Western (Scandinavian and Baltic) group of European countries which appreciates the values of the Fatherland, freedom and independence. Thus the idea of Eastern Europe - the foundation of the Baltic and Black Sea Commonwealth - will return. The fate of the regime and the future of Belarus The fate of the regime in Belarus and the future of Belarus will be decided October 17, this year on the elections to the «chamber of representatives» and on the referendum on the third presidential term of Lukashenka (planned to be launched together with the elections). The regime probably will announce the referendum in the middle of September. Moscow is interested to launch the elections to the «chamber» in accordance with the Lukashenka’s scenario (only the creatures of the regime will be elected) and to achieve the recognition of the elections by the international society. In this case Belarus would have the legitimate parliament and Moscow would have the formal possibility to confirm several illegitimate agreements with Lukashenka concluded in the past (for example, the so-called «union» of Russia and Belarus from 1999 etc.) and to carry on its other plans of the incorporation of Belarus. The Kremlin is supporting the third presidential term of Lukashenka (but doesn’t demonstrate its support publicly) because it would have its own man in Minsk in order to carry on the Russian policy. Berlin has tried to come to a separate agreement with Lukashenka (the activity of Mr. Hans Wieck) and to use the elections in order to infiltrate the pro-German persons from the nomenclature opposition into the leadership of Belarus. But both attempts have collapsed. The certain German political circles are agrees to give up Belarus to Moscow. They hope to secure themselves with the more cheap and profitable transit of goods and resources (especially of the gas) via Belarus and to use the Belarusan intellectual and working force. V. Putin has cynically commented this project: «We consider that the former Soviet territories in the West are the source of the intellect and the working force». The thoughts are as if taken from the vocabulary of the Hitler’s deputy Bormann. The Russian KGBism plan to drive away the Belarusans from their land and to use the Belarusan working force in order to extract the petrol and the gas in Siberia. The Germans are just using the talented and cheap Belarusan intellect. The German and Russian position on Belarus is based also on the preventive will to create the profitable perspective in the future: to resolve the question of Eastern Prussia (now the Kaliningrad region and the Baltic territories of Poland) as well as in German policy with regard to Poland. The Germans are interested to have Poland in the European Union. If Poland would have in the future the common border with Russia on the river Bug (but not with democratic Belarus) it would become the additional argument for Poland to strive to the Germans (to the European Union). The Germans have the levers of the influence in the European Union in order to influence Poland. They can plan their interests and in the case of the European crisis and collapse (which are near) - to manipulate the Polish question with Russia. (Let us not forget that the Germans are able to foresee the political development in advance for decades and to act in order to secure their political future). There are three variants of the electoral results and the referendum on October 17. The first variant. The boycott will signify the victory of the society over the regime. The affair with the third presidential term and the legitimization of the pseudo-parliament will collapse. The presidential elections must take place in 2006 in accordance with the Constitution (without Lukashenka). It would be possible to propose the extraordinary new presidential elections. The second variant. The population ignores and boycotts the elections and the referendum. But the regime falsifies roughly the poll, uses the frauds, ignores all the facts and arguments and in spite of the real results declares that it «has been supported by the people» and «won» the elections. In these circumstances the Belarusan society and the international society will not recognize the results of such elections and referendum. Thus the regime will lose its balance. Its political and moral positions will be weakened. At the same time the society will become more active in order to consolidate the resistance against the regime. The boycott will consolidate the people. As a result the presidential elections 2006 would represent the conflicting situation: the Lukashenka’s positions will become unstable and the fate of the regime will become uncertain. The third variant. The defeat of Belarus. The regime and its pseudo-opposition (different coalitions like «Five plus» etc.) will force the people to go to the poll-stations. At the same time the Germans will shout in the European Union on the necessity to launch the democratic elections in Belarus. In this case the regime will falsify the results of the poll and declare its next «elegant victory» (according to the expression by Lukashenka). Moscow will recognize as the first the «results» of the poll. Then the European Union will recognize the same «results» using the diplomatic forms (it will notify some «negative moments», the lack of the «frames of the elections», «the lack of certain progress» in the electoral system and use other empty Euro-bureaucratic jargon formulations). In this case the regime will become more powerful. Lukashenka remains. The results of the presidential elections 2006 will be determinate in advance. The anti-Belarusan policy will be continued with the new impetus. Moscow and Berlin will not have any obstacle to establish their order in Eastern Europe. The real catastrophe will threaten Belarus: our country can lose its national property, national culture, population and the state independence. But the third variant has one more probability. The electoral frauds will be so flagrant, universal and obvious that the West will be obliged not to recognize the elections under the pressure of the society. It would alleviate the blow. x x x The questions reflected in this Memorandum are discussed permanently by the Belarusan national and democratic organizations of the liberation type (firstly in the Conservative Christian Party - BPF and the Belarusan Popular Front «Adradzennie»). The Belarusan society is informed on these questions (we have used all the possibilities in order to inform it). We trust in the Belarusan People. We hope as well that the public figures and politicians of the international society (which are responsible for the future of Europe) will understand and support us. We know too that the greatest free country in the world - the United State of America and the most powerful country in Europe - Great Britain are the guarantors of the sovereignty of the Republic of Belarus (in accordance with the Budapest Memorandum of 1994). This fact gives us the conviction that Belarus will have the support and the solidarity of the free countries in our struggle for the freedom and the democracy, that the persons will support us because they are devoted to the common ideals of the freedom, humanism and justice. Dr. Zianon PAZNIAK /Chairman of the Belarusan Popular Front «Adradzennie» and the Conservative Christian Party - BPF/ 16/8/2004 › English |
Навіны ‹ Пошук:Каляндар:Ідзі і глядзі:НАРОДНАЯ ПРАГРАМА «ВОЛЬНАЯ БЕЛАРУСЬ» С. Навумчык. «Сем гадоў Адраджэньня, альбо фрагмэнты найноўшай беларускай гісторыі (1988-1995)» З. Пазьняк. «Прамаскоўскі рэжым» Зянон. Паэма «Вялікае Княства» З. Пазьняк. «Развагі пра беларускія справы» Курапаты беларуская сьвятыня Збор фактаў расейскага тэрору супраць беларусаў З. Пазьняк. «Беларуска-расейская вайна» «Гутаркі з Антонам Шукелойцем» (PDF) Беларуская Салідарнасьць:ПЛЯТФОРМА НАРОДНАГА ЯДНАНЬНЯ. 1. Беларуская Салідарнасьць гэта ёсьць плятформа Беларускага Адраджэньня, форма ідэйнай лучнасьці паміж беларусамі і пазыцыя змаганьня з акупацыйным антыбеларускім рэжымам. Яе дэклярацыя салідарнасьці простая і надзейная, па прынцыпу Каліноўскага: 2. Зьместам беларускага яднаньня ёсьць Беларуская нацыянальная дзяржава. Сымвалам Беларускай дзяржавы ёсьць нацыянальны Бел-Чырвона-Белы Сьцяг і гэрб Пагоня. 3. Беларуская Салідарнасьць стаіць за праўду Беларускага Адраджэньня, якое кажа: «Не правы чалавека галоўнае для беларусаў, а незалежнасьць і свабода, бо не бывае правоў чалавека пад акупацыяй». Трэба змагацца за свабоду і вызваленьне Беларусі, а не прасіць «правоў» у рэжыма і акупантаў. Акупанты правоў не даюць. Яны пакідаюць нам «права» быць рабочым матэрыялам дзеля іхных імпэрскіх інтарэсаў. 4. Беларуская Салідарнасьць сцьвярджае і абараняе дэмакратычныя каштоўнасьці народнага агульнанацыянальнага кшталту, якія мусяць шанаваць і бараніць усе беларусы перад небясьпекай агрэсіўнай пагрозы з Расеі і перад палітыкай антынацыянальнага рэжыму Лукашэнкі на Беларусі. 5. Беларуская Салідарнасьць мацуе грунт, кірунак дзеяньняў і ідэі беларускага змаганьня ў абарону беларускай незалежнасьці, мовы, культуры, беларускай нацыянальнай уласнасьці, маёмасьці і беларускай дзяржаўнай сістэмы дэмакратычнага існаваньня нацыі. 6. Усіх беларусаў як нацыю злучае і яднае беларуская мова, беларуская гісторыя, беларуская зямля, беларуская культура, беларуская дзяржава і ўся беларуская супольнасьць людзей Беларускі Народ. 7. Усе беларусы, незалежна ад сьветапогляду і палітычных кірункаў, яднаюцца дзеля абароны беларускіх каштоўнасьцяў, беларускіх сымвалаў і беларускіх нацыянальных інтарэсаў. 8. Формы дзейнасьці Беларускай Салідарнасьці могуць быць рознымі, але заўсёды павінна ўлічвацца антыбеларуская палітыка прамаскоўскага рэжыму на Беларусі і пагроза нашаму нацыянальнаму, культурнаму і дзяржаўнаму існаваньню. Таму ва ўсіх справах Беларусь перад усім. Трэба шанаваць усё беларускае. Шанаваць беларускую дзяржаўнасьць. Шанаваць беларускую мову і беларускі народ. Шанаваць беларускую зямлю і беларускую культуру. Шанаваць здабытак народнай працы. Беларус беларуса мусіць бараніць перад небясьпекай. Беларус беларусу мусіць дапамагаць. Беларус беларуса павінен падтрымліваць паўсюдна на Беларусі і ва ўсім сьвеце. Сябры й партнэры: |
Беларуская Салідарнасьць // 20002025 |