Плятформа «Беларуская Салідарнасць» |
Recently the Austrian newspapers have published the information about the visits by Mr. Mikhail Marynich (Marinich) in Vienna in December 2006 and January 2007. They called him “one of the leaders of the Belarusan opposition”. Mr. Marynich has elaborated together with the Austrian colleagues a “new strategy for Belarus”. Now the working group is distributing in Europe the document under the title A Strategy for Belarus. We will quote some fragments of this Strategy: “ Belarus is currently in its most dramatic crisis since independence. The present system has thrived exclusively on the basis of Russian direct and indirect subsidies and on the skills of the present leader (Lukashenka) to trade rhetoric for energy. …For Russia, Lukashenka’s abilities are devaluated and Moscow could start to base its relations with Belarus on market principles. In Belarus, this is seen as a tightening of the screws, but Russia is forging ahead without giving to much attention to the possible political consequences. This is also because in Moscow’s perception, apart Russia there simply are no other responsible actors in the Belarusian theater…” In accordance with the Austrian specialists Belarus has thrived not on the basis of the working Belarusan people but on the basis of the Russian subsidies. They are sure that our people has used the cheap Russian energy and Moscow didn’t rob and exploit our people. They don’t see any other “actor” besides the dictator Lukashenka. They don’t see the Belarusan people as a force. We quote further: “The fate of Belarus is a challenge not only for Russia, but also for the EU… Nobody is interested in the collapse of the Belarusan economy, which would negatively affect all parties”. They are theorizing again exclusively about themselves. They are theorizing about our economy, about our country without mention our national interests. Belarus represents an object of the commerce in the transaction between these two parts. Further we read in the text of the Strategy a very interesting confession: “… communication between Brussels and Moscow where Brussels, incidentally, speaks with one (predominantly German) voice…” We quote: “In view of a possible economic disaster the future of Belarus must become a joint European-Russian project …the drafting of a program of market reforms responding the economic interests of Russia and EU countries…” Thus the project of the reforms in Belarus is based on the interests of the EU and Russia. The authors didn’t even mention the Belarusan people with its interests. It seems that the conspirators have decided to launch the reforms in Belarus after all the Belarusans will be removed from Belarus. We quote: “A second priority is the training of a new administrative and managerial elite. The present Belarusan elites have been recruited according to the criterion of loyalty towards the regime and have received their formative professional experience under authoritarian systems. Their expertise will be needed for the first steps toward a new system, but in the case they should remain as a dominant force, they will tend to reproduce and copycat their personal experience under the new system and petrify the old structures.” Because of that the authors of the Strategy would like to found a training institution at the Austrian Administrative Academy which will be a part of the joint Russian/European project. We propose to read this fragment to the representatives of the present state and economic administration of Belarus of all the levels. The authors of the Strategy would like to use you, dear Belarusan administrators, only “for the first steeps”. Then you will be expulsed from “the Belarusan elites”. Your positions will be occupied by the representatives of some training institution. It is understandable that they will be Russians. The Belarusan patriots warned the Belarusan administrators about this plan – after the liquidation of the Belarusan schools and high-schools and of the Belarusan language, as well as of our independent state the liquidators would liquidate the Belarusan officials and Belarusan specialists because they “will petrify the old structures” etc. But this is only the foreword of the project. In the part Economic Strategy the anti-Belarusan cynicism of the authors is expressed sincerely: “Following the demise of the Soviet Union, Russia has subsidized Belorussia with billions of dollars and is now collecting the accumulated debt. (This is not right, the real situation is reverse – remark of the Information Commission of the Belarusan Popular Front). For Europe, Belarus is not a priority area. It is perceived as a small and stable country whose economy is inextricably linked to Russia. Europe’s interests are focused on the consequences of enlargement and the preparation for further enlargement of the Union towards the South East. So the lack of a rapprochement process is no big loss for the Union and it can wait until the system changes from within. The only EU countries interested in preventing an economic embargo are Poland and Belarusian neighbor countries with an intensive cross-border trade”. Then the authors of the European/Russian Strategy admit that Belarus is for them only “an important transit corridor for Europe’s energy supply”. Thanks to the Polish, Ukrainian and Baltic neighbors of Belarus. Even the enemies are forced to recognize that our neighbors (not Russia) help us on the international level. But it is necessary to recognize as well that the wild colonialist interest is dominating in the international affairs. It is clear that the theory by the “European strategists” is the same as the anti-Belarusan “strategy” by the Russian “democrats”. We read in the part Investment and Credits: “The self-imposed isolation of the country has deteriorated the situation dramatically”. In accordance with the Strategy the Belarusans have themselves imposed the isolation on their own country: there were not any Russian aggression and the anti-Belarusan policy by the pro-Moscow regime, not any abnormal orientation on the Russia empire, not the crazy policy of the russification and the liquidation of the Belarusan values in Belarus, not the isolation of the Belarusan citizens by the Western countries. Further the European specialists promise to give the credits to Belarus without the “shock therapy” etc. But which credits can give these false “creditors”. The cynical theory about the fate of the Belarusan people has achieved its climax in the part Political Reforms. The authors present the following main objects of their Strategy: “The galvanization of the presently dispersed opposition groups into one coalition of democratic forces on the basis of the reform program. A Round Table between representatives of the government and the opposition on democratic and economic reforms”. And now we beg you to read attentively: “The question of a leadership personally will have to be raised at some point in the process, but should be raised only after the programmatic basis is in place”. The Germans are “galvanizing” again all the “opposition politicians” and calling them to the Round Table with the regime. They have carried on this operation several times – under the leadership of the German “European strategist” Hans-Georg Wieck and after his departure from Belarus. A. Lebedko, V. Viachorka and other “united forces” have participated in such “negotiations” with the Lukashenka’s representatives around the table in the restaurant Rakauski Brovar in Minsk in 1999-2000. Namely then Mr. Wieck (the OSCE commissar in Minsk) organized in Minsk a coalition of the “united opposition” (later Mr. Wieck has declared that he acted in accordance with the sanction of the KGB). The results of the activity of that “coalition” and of that “round table” were miserable. But the Germans are proposing again the same project to the same persons. But they are warning the “coalition” not to elect the leader. Namely the German “European strategists” would like to appoint “the leader of the opposition” (this “leader” will be acceptable in Occident and in Moscow). We quote the text of the Strategy: “This reflects, in the first line, “European” basic values. When it comes to Russian priorities, the reform programs must unequivocally spell out that the new leadership elites will heed Russian strategic interests and that a pro-European attitude is fully compatible with a special relationship with Russia. As long as Russia is confident of the “pro-Russianness” of the leader ship elites of countries within its strategic belt, political or economic reforms or closer economic relations with European markets irk nobody. When it comes to Belarus, at issue are Russian defense facilities on Belrusian territory which cannot be replaced or shifted in a short time period or without forbidding costs”. Do you feel the atmosphere of Minich-1938? The European strategists Chamberlain, Hitler and Mussolini have used the same arguments and elaborated the same project when the democratic Occident sold Czechoslovakia to the German fascist aggressors. The Occident hoped to paid the “minimal price” and then to use the “Czechoslovak corridor”. We know the tragic results of this politics. In the final part of their Strategy the contemporary Germans are writing how the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and especially the OSCE delegation of Germany will carry on the economical conferences in Belarus in order “to explore strategic alternatives for the present economic setup through the European investment, Russian-European join ventures, gradual opening of the Belarussian territory”. They will also give money to the third sector and organize the scholarship for 2 (!) Belarusan students. The Strategy has the datum of December 15, 2006 and is signed by the following “strategists”: Ludmila Lobova ( a Russian “strategist”) Hans-Georg Heinrich Kiril Koktysh (a Russian “strategist”) Mikhail Marynich They have distributed their Strategy in different European institutions and persons including Mr. Vaclav Havel (they hope to get his support). The project of this “Strategy against Belarus” has been financed by the Austrian National Bank. x x x In the future the Belarusan citizen Mr. Marynich will be brought to trial in Belarus liberated of the dictatorship because he has betrayed its nation and has acted against the national and state interests of Belarus. He will protest against the trial. He will say that not he but the Germans had elaborated this anti-Belarusan strategy, that he has only signed the text not reading it. Perhaps he will say the truth. It is possible that Marynich has only signed the “Strategy” elaborated by the German enemies of Belarus and by the Russian liquidators of our country. Marynich and other “opposition politicians” of this kind are ready to sign every text in order to be accepted by the masters and introduced to the “new elite”. But why Vienna and not Berlin? Perhaps it is a diplomatic manoeuvre. The Germans have used their Austrian colleagues in order not to demonstrate once more Hans Wieck or Mrs. Merkel. But for the Belarisan people they are equal. We see that the German leadership, Moscow and the “opposition politicians” like Marynich even don’t mention the Belarusan people, its right to live in its own state. Even the communist occupants of Belarus were not so frankly in their anti-Belarusan statements. What to do in this situation of the hostile blockade form Occident and Russia? Firstly, not to despair. We are not the first nation which the allied enemies have decided to devise and to exploit until the annihilation. And this is not the first situation of this kind in our history. The Belarusan strategy of the self-defense must be adequate. This is the Belarusan Solidarity of all the persons which Information commission of the Belarusan Popular Front “Adradzennie” and the Conservative Christian Party – BPF 14/2/2007 › English |
Навіны ‹ Пошук:Каляндар:Ідзі і глядзі:НАРОДНАЯ ПРАГРАМА «ВОЛЬНАЯ БЕЛАРУСЬ» С. Навумчык. «Сем гадоў Адраджэньня, альбо фрагмэнты найноўшай беларускай гісторыі (1988-1995)» З. Пазьняк. «Прамаскоўскі рэжым» Зянон. Паэма «Вялікае Княства» З. Пазьняк. «Развагі пра беларускія справы» Курапаты беларуская сьвятыня Збор фактаў расейскага тэрору супраць беларусаў З. Пазьняк. «Беларуска-расейская вайна» «Гутаркі з Антонам Шукелойцем» (PDF) Беларуская Салідарнасьць:ПЛЯТФОРМА НАРОДНАГА ЯДНАНЬНЯ. 1. Беларуская Салідарнасьць гэта ёсьць плятформа Беларускага Адраджэньня, форма ідэйнай лучнасьці паміж беларусамі і пазыцыя змаганьня з акупацыйным антыбеларускім рэжымам. Яе дэклярацыя салідарнасьці простая і надзейная, па прынцыпу Каліноўскага: 2. Зьместам беларускага яднаньня ёсьць Беларуская нацыянальная дзяржава. Сымвалам Беларускай дзяржавы ёсьць нацыянальны Бел-Чырвона-Белы Сьцяг і гэрб Пагоня. 3. Беларуская Салідарнасьць стаіць за праўду Беларускага Адраджэньня, якое кажа: «Не правы чалавека галоўнае для беларусаў, а незалежнасьць і свабода, бо не бывае правоў чалавека пад акупацыяй». Трэба змагацца за свабоду і вызваленьне Беларусі, а не прасіць «правоў» у рэжыма і акупантаў. Акупанты правоў не даюць. Яны пакідаюць нам «права» быць рабочым матэрыялам дзеля іхных імпэрскіх інтарэсаў. 4. Беларуская Салідарнасьць сцьвярджае і абараняе дэмакратычныя каштоўнасьці народнага агульнанацыянальнага кшталту, якія мусяць шанаваць і бараніць усе беларусы перад небясьпекай агрэсіўнай пагрозы з Расеі і перад палітыкай антынацыянальнага рэжыму Лукашэнкі на Беларусі. 5. Беларуская Салідарнасьць мацуе грунт, кірунак дзеяньняў і ідэі беларускага змаганьня ў абарону беларускай незалежнасьці, мовы, культуры, беларускай нацыянальнай уласнасьці, маёмасьці і беларускай дзяржаўнай сістэмы дэмакратычнага існаваньня нацыі. 6. Усіх беларусаў як нацыю злучае і яднае беларуская мова, беларуская гісторыя, беларуская зямля, беларуская культура, беларуская дзяржава і ўся беларуская супольнасьць людзей Беларускі Народ. 7. Усе беларусы, незалежна ад сьветапогляду і палітычных кірункаў, яднаюцца дзеля абароны беларускіх каштоўнасьцяў, беларускіх сымвалаў і беларускіх нацыянальных інтарэсаў. 8. Формы дзейнасьці Беларускай Салідарнасьці могуць быць рознымі, але заўсёды павінна ўлічвацца антыбеларуская палітыка прамаскоўскага рэжыму на Беларусі і пагроза нашаму нацыянальнаму, культурнаму і дзяржаўнаму існаваньню. Таму ва ўсіх справах Беларусь перад усім. Трэба шанаваць усё беларускае. Шанаваць беларускую дзяржаўнасьць. Шанаваць беларускую мову і беларускі народ. Шанаваць беларускую зямлю і беларускую культуру. Шанаваць здабытак народнай працы. Беларус беларуса мусіць бараніць перад небясьпекай. Беларус беларусу мусіць дапамагаць. Беларус беларуса павінен падтрымліваць паўсюдна на Беларусі і ва ўсім сьвеце. Сябры й партнэры: |
Беларуская Салідарнасьць // 20002025 |