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Bielarus.net Плятформа «Беларуская Салідарнасць» |
On the deportation of the russian ambassador from Belarus The ambassador of Russia in Belarus Mr. Alexander Surikov has spoken publicly presenting the provocative declarations on the illegitimate referendum in Belarus which will secure the annexation of Belarus by Russia. 17/12/2006 › English (Declaration) On November 5, this year the Lukashenka regime has started the nomination of the candidates to the next elections to the local authorities (the local Soviets). The regime has mobilized its entire administration in order to nominate the regime’s candidates which will be elected without fail. For the first time the regime is nominating so many its own “observers” (from the state factories, local administration, universities and schools etc.) to control every polling station. 12/11/2006 › English The Monument in Kurapaty has been Created by the Belarusan People (Declaration) The victims of the Russian Communist terror against the Belarusan people have been buried in Kurapaty near Minsk. More than 200 thousands innocent persons have been killed by the butchers of the Russian secret police NKVD in the 1930-s – 1941 only on this place. 12/11/2006 › English It is necessary to unite for Belarus and not to vote for the dictatorship (Declaration) After the illegitimate presidential elections launched in March this year the anti-Belarusan policy of the Lukashenka regime has taken more apparently forms of the occupation. Its main traits are the persecution of the Belarusan young people, the judicial repressions, the liquidation of the Belarusan cultural centers and organizations. The regime is executing the Moscow project of the annihilation of the national civil society in Belarus. 13/8/2006 › English On the russian political aggression (Appeal to the leadership of the great states) The state institutions, official leaders and politicians of Russia declare publicly their aggressive plans of the liquidation of the independent Belarusan state and incorporation of the Belarusan state territory into Russia. These declarations represent the flagrant violation of the Helsinki agreement and of the international right. These declarations became possible as a result of the common activity of Russia and the Lukashenka regime in Belarus. Russia insists on necessity to launch an illegitimate referendum in Belarus on the so-called “constitutional act” of the illegitimate “united state” (which doesn’t exist in accordance with the Belarusan Law) of Russia and Belarus. This “state” had been invented by Yeltsin and Lukashenka on December 8, 1999 behind the people’s back. 18/6/2006 › English April 7, 2006 the Conservative Christian Party - Belarusan Popular Front has carried on a protest demonstration on the Kastrychnitskaya Sq. in the center of Minsk. The people protested against the electoral frauds, illegal inauguration of Lukashenka and the fascist Russian aggression against Belarus. The riot police has attacked the peaceful rally and arrested five persons. 10/4/2006 › English Repression in Minsk against the members of the Conservative Christian Party - BPF The anti-Belarusan regime is continuing the repressions against the patriots. March 22, 2006 Mr. Aleh Boryn has been arrested by the police in the center of Minsk near the Central Sq. where the patriots are protesting against the regime. 24/3/2006 › English March 20, 2006 Mr. Uladzimier Yukho, member of the Belarusan Popular Front “Adradzennie” and the Conservative Christian Party – BPF, has been sentenced in Minsk to five days of imprisonment. He has been arrested on March 19, 2006 at the local electoral area when he tried to take his voting-paper and carry it from the electoral area refusing to vote Lukashenka (he acted in accordance with the electoral Law). 20/3/2006 › English March 19 the Lukashenka regime is violating the electoral Law. A brutal provocation took place at the local electoral district N 66 in Soviet city region of Minsk. Mr. Uladzimier Yukho has tried to take his voting-paper and carry it away in order to give it up to the National Civic Commission. 20/3/2006 › English Free belarusan people ought to determine the future of our Homeland Dear compatriots, dear Belarusans! The false Lukashenka elections are finished. Lukashenka has appropriated 82,5% of the votes. Now you are sure that instead of elections the regime has carried on the shameless show in order to deceive the people. In accordance with the Law Lukashenka didn’t have right to participate in these elections. He had used the force, arrests and repressions against the opponents during the electoral campaign and falsified the results of the poll. These facts witness the coup d’etat and violent seizure of the state power in Belarus. 19/3/2006 › English The people’s poll is a chance of the victory (The release for the foreign communities and mass media) The authoritarian pro-Moscow regime has formed in Belarus the state system of the electoral frauds. The regime is completely controlling all the electoral commissions. 22/2/2006 › English The legal basis of the People’s poll The Supreme Soviet (Parliament of Belarus) of the 12th convocation has created a legal basis of the Constitution of Belarus of 1994. In accordance with these legal norms the people and the state bodies elected by the people have right to improve the situation if some state body would deform the Law and act against the national interests. 3/2/2006 › English January 27, this year the initiative group of Mr. Zianon Pazniak has finished to collect the signatures of the citizens with a positive result – more than 130 thousand signatures have been collected. The same day Mr. Zianon Pazniak has announced to the Central Electoral Commission that his group will not hand over the collected signatures to the electoral commissions and has explained this position of his group. 30/1/2006 › English Repressions against the initiative group of Zianon Pazniak January 22 the members of the initiative group of Zianon Pazniak collected the signatures of the citizens in several places of Minsk. They distributed as well the information on the People’s Poll. The police tried several times to drive away the members of the initiative group but they continued to collect the signatures. 22/1/2006 › English January 18, 2006 our initiative group has achieved the result and has collected 100 thousand signatures. The same day the Central Electoral Commission represented by Mrs. Yarmoshyna has made us the second warning (the first one as been made orally at the beginning of the electoral campaign). 19/1/2006 › English Zianon Pazniak: “PEOPLE’S POLL” In accordance with the Moscow’s order Lukashenka has fixed suddenly the presidential elections ahead of schedule (on March 19, 2006). But the presidential elections ahead of schedule are not based on the Low. Russia is in hurry to support its henchman because the social tendencies demonstrate that the situation of these two regimes can deteriorate. Because of that they are acting without taking in consideration the people’s opinion. 22/12/2005 › English On the split of the Association of the Belarusan writers The Belarusan Popular Front “Adradzennie” and the Conservative Christian Party – BPF express their political and moral support of the Belarusan literature and the Association of the Belarusan Writers persecuted by the regime. 11/12/2005 › English On the repressive law adopted by the regime In November-December 2005 the illegitimate “chambers” and the “senate” (the Lukashenka’s pseudo-parliament) have adopted the amendments to the Criminal Codex of Belarus. 11/12/2005 › English The Belarusan people has seen a certain tendency in the political life and the information practice since the 1990s. This tendency has been elaborated by the KGB. The anti-Belarusan pro-Moscow pseudo-opposition used regularly this tendency. When the Belarusan Popular Front prepared some important action the pseudo-opposition tried always to confuse the people in order to ruin the plans of the patriots. For example, the Popular Front calls the people to celebrate the greatest national fest — the Freedom Day on 25 March (the anniversary of the independence of the Belarusan People’s Republic proclaimed in 1918 and then occupied by the Russian communists). At the same time some professional KGB provocateurs (Statkevich or Khadyka) start the preparation to the celebration of the Constitution day on March 15 (two weeks before the greatest Freedom Day). 5/11/2005 › English Mr. Yuri Belenki: “Zianon Pazniak is a real leader” Radio Liberty, October 18, 2005 The journalist of the Radio Liberty (Belarusan redaction) Mr. Siarhey Navumchyk is interviewing Mr. Yuri Belenki. Mr. Yuri Belenki is the acting chairman in Belarus of the Belarusan Popular Front “Adradzennie” and the Conservative Christian Party – BPF. 45 years old. Economist. 1990-96 acted as MP in the Supreme Soviet of Belarus of the 12th convocation (the Belarusan Parliament), member of the Opposition of the Belarusan Popular Front, member of the shadow government, responsible for the economical and financial problems, author of any projects of laws on the banks and bank system. 18/10/2005 › English |
Навіны ‹ Пошук:Каляндар:
Ідзі і глядзі:НАРОДНАЯ ПРАГРАМА «ВОЛЬНАЯ БЕЛАРУСЬ» С. Навумчык. «Сем гадоў Адраджэньня, альбо фрагмэнты найноўшай беларускай гісторыі (1988-1995)» З. Пазьняк. «Прамаскоўскі рэжым» Зянон. Паэма «Вялікае Княства» З. Пазьняк. «Развагі пра беларускія справы» Курапаты беларуская сьвятыня Збор фактаў расейскага тэрору супраць беларусаў З. Пазьняк. «Беларуска-расейская вайна» «Гутаркі з Антонам Шукелойцем» (PDF) Беларуская Салідарнасьць:ПЛЯТФОРМА НАРОДНАГА ЯДНАНЬНЯ. 1. Беларуская Салідарнасьць гэта ёсьць плятформа Беларускага Адраджэньня, форма ідэйнай лучнасьці паміж беларусамі і пазыцыя змаганьня з акупацыйным антыбеларускім рэжымам. Яе дэклярацыя салідарнасьці простая і надзейная, па прынцыпу Каліноўскага: 2. Зьместам беларускага яднаньня ёсьць Беларуская нацыянальная дзяржава. Сымвалам Беларускай дзяржавы ёсьць нацыянальны Бел-Чырвона-Белы Сьцяг і гэрб Пагоня. 3. Беларуская Салідарнасьць стаіць за праўду Беларускага Адраджэньня, якое кажа: «Не правы чалавека галоўнае для беларусаў, а незалежнасьць і свабода, бо не бывае правоў чалавека пад акупацыяй». Трэба змагацца за свабоду і вызваленьне Беларусі, а не прасіць «правоў» у рэжыма і акупантаў. Акупанты правоў не даюць. Яны пакідаюць нам «права» быць рабочым матэрыялам дзеля іхных імпэрскіх інтарэсаў. 4. Беларуская Салідарнасьць сцьвярджае і абараняе дэмакратычныя каштоўнасьці народнага агульнанацыянальнага кшталту, якія мусяць шанаваць і бараніць усе беларусы перад небясьпекай агрэсіўнай пагрозы з Расеі і перад палітыкай антынацыянальнага рэжыму Лукашэнкі на Беларусі. 5. Беларуская Салідарнасьць мацуе грунт, кірунак дзеяньняў і ідэі беларускага змаганьня ў абарону беларускай незалежнасьці, мовы, культуры, беларускай нацыянальнай уласнасьці, маёмасьці і беларускай дзяржаўнай сістэмы дэмакратычнага існаваньня нацыі. 6. Усіх беларусаў як нацыю злучае і яднае беларуская мова, беларуская гісторыя, беларуская зямля, беларуская культура, беларуская дзяржава і ўся беларуская супольнасьць людзей Беларускі Народ. 7. Усе беларусы, незалежна ад сьветапогляду і палітычных кірункаў, яднаюцца дзеля абароны беларускіх каштоўнасьцяў, беларускіх сымвалаў і беларускіх нацыянальных інтарэсаў. 8. Формы дзейнасьці Беларускай Салідарнасьці могуць быць рознымі, але заўсёды павінна ўлічвацца антыбеларуская палітыка прамаскоўскага рэжыму на Беларусі і пагроза нашаму нацыянальнаму, культурнаму і дзяржаўнаму існаваньню. Таму ва ўсіх справах Беларусь перад усім. Трэба шанаваць усё беларускае. Шанаваць беларускую дзяржаўнасьць. Шанаваць беларускую мову і беларускі народ. Шанаваць беларускую зямлю і беларускую культуру. Шанаваць здабытак народнай працы. Беларус беларуса мусіць бараніць перад небясьпекай. Беларус беларусу мусіць дапамагаць. Беларус беларуса павінен падтрымліваць паўсюдна на Беларусі і ва ўсім сьвеце. Сябры й партнэры: |
Беларуская Салідарнасьць // 20002025 |