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Беларуская Салідарнасьць
Плятформа «Беларуская Салідарнасць»

The pseudo-opposition is playing an anti-belarusan game


On October 1-2, 2005 the so-called “congress of the democratic forces” took place in Minsk. The organizers have communicated in the mass media before the “congress” that 400 “delegates” will participate in the “congress”. But the day of the “congress” more than 800 persons have been registered as delegates. We mean that the organizers hurriedly gathered the “ delegates” in some strange way. This particularity and other traits witness that this action called “the congress” was a next noisy show by the anti-Belarusan pseudo-opposition. The organizers and the participants of this show stressed actively that they were united because they “don’t like Lukashenka”. Далей...

9/10/2005 › English

Mrs. Benita Valdner has to resign

The leadership of the Belarusan Popular Front “Adradzennie” and the BPF Party call the attention to the unscrupulous position by the European Commissar for Foreign Relations and Neighborhood Policy Mrs. Benita Ferrero-Valdner.

The decision to organize the broadcasting to Belarus in the language of the occupants (i.e. in Russian language) witnesses the lack of respect with regard to the Belarusan people as a European nation as well as witnesses the lack of the obligation to hold to the positions accepted by the European Union in the policy. Далей...

16/9/2005 › English


Russification must not be the poicy of the European Union


Russification must not be the policy of the European Union. After the protest by the Belarusan society against the broadcasting by the “Deutsche Welle” in Russian language to Belarus the European Commission has announced a new tender on the broadcasting to Belarus again in Russian language. This fact witnesses that the European Commission doesn’t understand completely the situation in Belarus and in Eastern Europe. This fact demonstrates as well the lack of will to understand the situation. Далей...

11/9/2005 › English


Commission of the European Union, Brussels

We demand to cancel your decision to concede in accordance with the tender the right to broadcast to Belarus in the Russian language to the radio station Deutsche Welle. We demand as well not to finance this anti-Belarusan activity. This political decision on the russification of the broadcasting to Belarus represents the violation of the fundamental human rights and the democracy in Belarus as well as the humiliating act with regard to the Belarusan struggle against the pro-Moscow and anti-Belarusan Lukashenka regime in Belarus.

The Soim of the Belarusan Popular Front “Adradzennie” and the Conservative Christian Party – BPF
August 14, 2005

14/8/2005 › English


Letter to the political parties of Poland

The Soim of the Belarusan Popular Front “Adradzennie” and the Conservative Christian Party – BPF appeal all the parliamentary political parties of Poland to revise their policy with regard to the diplomatic conflict with the pro-Russian Lukashenka regime. Далей...

14/8/2005 › English


The Boycott to the Germans


(Appeal to the citizens of Belarus)

The Soim of the Belarusan Popular Front “Adradzennie” and the Conservative Christian Party – BPF has discussed the question of the policy of the European Union with regard to Belarus. The Soim notes that the plenipotentiary representatives of the EU base their proposals of the help to the Belarusan people not on the interests of the justice and democracy but only on the interests of the EU as well as on the interests of the particular countries – members of the EU. The representatives and structures of the EU ignore the Belarusan language – the main value and the main condition of the Belarusan democracy. They will not recognize the obvious fact that the national oppression maid by the pro-Moscow Lukashenka regime and its struggle against the Belarusan language represent the main and the most brutal violation of the human rights as well as of the vital right of the Belarusan nation. Далей...

14/8/2005 › English


The Soim of the Belarusan Popular Front “Adradzennie” and the Conservative Christian Party - BPF

May 15, 2005 the Soim of the Belarusan Popular Front “Adradzennie” and the Conservative Christian Party - BPF took place in Minsk. The Soim has heard the report by Mr. Zianon Pazniak, Chairman of the Belarusan Popular Front “Adradzennie” and the Conservative Christian Party - BPF, — STRUGGLE FOR BELARUS:

“Recently the situation in Belarus has been discussed actively in the whole world. The official representatives of America and Europe criticized the dictatorial Lukashenka regime and used the phrases like: “the Belarusan people merit the best fate” etc. They expressed the readiness to help the Belarusan society in order to carry on the democratic transformation.

This is a positive tendency. The Occident (especially the USA) is losing gradually its illusions and the phraseology about the “democratic Russia”. The Belarusan question became actual because the presidential elections in Belarus are approaching. It is possible to see the rivalry between the Occident and Russia but the situation didn’t change generally. The Occident continues to contact with the pseudo-opposition and doesn’t understand that this policy is hopeless in Belarus. The promises to help this “opposition” with the money can cause only the smile. (All the financial channels are for a long time controlled by the KGB. It is really ridiculous that they will again give the money to the same pseudo-opposition).

Under these circumstances Russia is demonstrating the more rough and aggressive attitude to the Belarusan freedom and our independent choice. These tendencies could develop until the direct intervention into the Belarusan affairs like it had happened in 1996. (But this time the Belarusan people should resist more actively against the Russian aggression).

The regime has changed the name of the central avenue of Minsk liquidating Francysk Skaryna Avenue. Francysk Skaryna was the greatest Belarusan intellectual of the 16th century, philosopher and doctor of medicine, he had translated the Bible into ancient Belarusan language and did printed it in 1517. His name has been abolished in accordance with Likashenka’s illegal decree. This event has a special symbolic sense illustrating the attitude by the regime to the national culture. This event has the same importance as the public insult of the national White-Red-White flag made by the representative of the regime Ivan Tsitsiankou (Titenkov) in 1995 (hitherto he hasn’t been punished for this crime). The regime is trying to demonstrate its political force, to subjugate the Belarusan people psychologically. The regime is showing that it can do everything what it would like to do. The reaction by the Belarusan society witnesses that Lukashenka has achieved his scope partially. The Belarusan society didn’t understand that it was humiliated once more. The local journalists have demonstrated their low professional level. For example the Radio Liberty has commented the liquidation of the Masherau Avenue in Minsk in accordance with the same Lukashenka’s decree but didn’t comment the main event - the liquidation of the Skaryna Avenue. This was an act of blasphemy: to make a sensation using the name of the negative personage of the Soviet pass and not commenting the main tragic event - the cancellation of Skaryna’s name. The lack of the reaction from the part of the society is a wrong fact. But the situation can change. Moscow and its regime in Belarus are afraid of this possibility.

The program of the annihilation of the traditional territorial and cultural area of the Belarusan nation proposed by the regime recently is one of its most inhuman and low-down actions. This program has been confirmed by the Lukashenka’s decree № 150 from March 25, 2005 (the anniversary of the proclamation of the independent Belarusan People’s Republic in 1918) and is called “the program of the rebirth of the country-side”. In accordance with this plan c. 35 thousand of Belarusan villages should be liquidated and centralized into 1400 “agrarian cities”. This plan is equal with the mad plans by Hitler’s henchman Borman and the communist Masherau (Masherov). The regime continues to cultivate the mythos on the eminent statesman Masherau (he was the first secretary of the Belarusan communist party since 1965 until his death in 1980) in order to justify his anti-Belarusan activity. Piotr Masherau (Masherov) was the most negative figure among the Soviet communists and russificators. He is responsible personally for the annihilation of the historical architectural center of Minsk, for the liquidation of the schools with the Belarusan language (transformed into the Russian schools) and for the activity against the Belarusan language. The Belarusan schools have been liquidated in all the cities. (In Minsk didn’t remain any Belarusan school). In Masherau’s time the regime has adopted the laws which permitted to eliminate the lessons of the Belarusan language as a subject in the schools. The regime has elaborated the “theories” on the negative influence of the Belarusan language on the personality and psychology of the Belarusan child, on his physical development and other forms of obscurantism. Masherau declared officially and demagogically: “We will not hinder the development of the Russian language”. This was his policy in order to satisfy Moscow. He would like to become the big man in Moscow. Masherau carried on the disastrous programs of the melioration causing the ecological degradation of our nature. He has started also the liquidation of the Belarusan villages in 1965. The communist party planned to liquidate 25 thousand villages in Belarus. The population should be resettled to the “big agricultural centers”. The Soviet Union didn’t have enough money to carry on this project completely but they did annihilated many Belarusan villages.

Lukashenka’s plan of the “rebirth of the country-side” represents the continuation of Masherau’s crazy plan. This is a plan of the cultural catastrophe of our nation.

Moscow (the KGB) has created a myth about Masherau representing him as a “good communist leader”. We must understand that Lukashenka will determine the doses of this harmful mythology in Belarus in order to satisfy his regime’s interests.

The actual events demonstrate that the regime will go the same way on the presidential elections in 2006 as it went in 2001. But it would like to prepare the political and social territory more rigidly and effectively than earlier. It is evidently that the pro-Moscow regime itself is preparing the alternative for the lections. Moscow and the KGB would like to stake on Mr. Kazulin (Kozulin). The “party” of Haidukevich (Gaydukevich) and the “united opposition” will play the auxiliary role. If the electorate would comport itself passively “the united opposition” will secure the “elegant victory” of Lukashenka. But if the situation would become more acute and the mass protest actions would take place the Kremlin and the KGB will stake on Kazulin which will direct the people “against the dictator and usurper” into the next Russian blind alley.

Kazulin is a foreign person for our people. He doesn’t know the Belarusan language (i.e. he didn’t read anything in Belarusan). In this situation Moscow will prepare its creature much better that it was done with Yanukovich in Ukraine. It is possible that in 2006 the “alternative” Mr. Kazulin will speak Belarusan (he can learn our language during this time) in order to stand at the head of some movement.

The active struggle for Belarus begins now. Our object is to awake our society.

Mr. Yuri Belenki, acting chairman in Belarus of the Belarusan Popular Front “Adradzennie” and the Conservative Christian Party - BPF, has commented the actual political situation. The members of the Soim have discussed the organization questions.

Information commission of the Belarusan Popular Front “Adradzennie” and the Conservative Christian Party - BPF
May 15, 2005

15/5/2005 › English

To the European Commission of the European Union

To: The European Commission of the European Union, Mr. Javier Solana
From: The Soim of the Belarusan Popular Front «Adradzennie» and the Conservative Christian Party - BPF


Belarus and the Belarusan People are suffering from the anti-Belarusan non-democratic A. Lukashenka regime just during ten years. This regime had been established in Belarus with the help of the imperialist Moscow’s policy. Далей...

18/4/2005 › English


We propose you to obey the Law

From: The leadership and the Uprava
of the Belarusan Popular Front
«Adradzennie» and the Conservative
Christian Party - BPF
April 18, 2005
To: Mr. Aliaxandr Lukashenka


18/4/2005 › English


The Soim of the Belarusan Popular Front “Adradzennie” and the Conservative Christian Party - BPF

April 10, 2005 the Soim of the Belarusan Popular Front «Adradzennie» and the Conservative Christian Party - BPF took place in Minsk. The Soim has heard the report by Mr. Zianon Pazniak, Chairman of the Belarusan Popular Front «Adradzennie» and the Conservative Christian Party - BPF:

«We are living in a very hard period of the human history. The culture is in crisis, the Christian person is being humiliated and destroyed, its soul is being transformed, the ideal essence is being disappearing. Europe has had such crisis 400-500 years ago. But then the religious society was able to win the infection of the spiritual destruction using its internal forces. Modern atheist Europe almost doesn’t have such internal forces. In the modern world the religion, the culture, the art and the morality are ceasing to be values. The surrogates are occupying the place of the true values. Далей...

10/4/2005 › English

The Soim of the Belarusan Popular Front “Adradzennie” and the Conservative Christian Party - BPF

February 13, 2005 the Soim of the Belarusan Popular Front «Adradzennie» and the Conservative Christian Party - BPF took place in Minsk. The Soim has heard the report by Mr. Zianon Pazniak, Chairman of the Belarusan Popular Front «Adradzennie» and the Conservative Christian Party - BPF — «They Are Trying to Drive the Belarusan People into a Deadlock»:

«We see that Moscow is preparing some variants of a plan of the quickly occupation of Belarus. Doing it Russia would like to avoid the campaign of presidential elections. They are accentuating their plan on the introducing of the Russian currency in Belarus. Because of that Russia is carrying on a subversive operation based on the new tax of the complementary value and destroying totally the Belarusan economy, commerce and business. Russia is trying to drive the Belarusan people into a deadlock basing its policy on the economical aggression and propagandistic brainwashing. They would like to open the door of trap for the Belarusan people and let it enter this trap under the pretext of its salvation. Далей...

13/2/2005 › English


On the subversive actions the Belarusan people and policy of liquidation of the independent Belarusan state


In January 2005 the Putin regime and the Lukashenka regime have adopted a new procedure of the taxation on the complementary value (TCV) of the transactions between Russia and Belarus. Nowadays this tax is paid to the budget of the country which acquires the goods (previously this tax has been paid by the country which sold the goods).

The results for Belarus of this it would seem simple transformation are following:
– the prices on gas, oil, and electricity have been increased more than on 25% as well as prices for the public utilities for the Belarusan population; Далей...

13/2/2005 › English


The Soim of the Belarusan Popular Front “Adradzennie” and the Conservative Christian Party - BPF

January 9, 2005 the Soim of the Belarusan Popular Front «Adradzennie» and the Conservative Christian Party - BPF took place in Minsk. The Soim has heard the appeal by Mr. Zianon Pazniak, Chairman of the Belarusan Popular Front «Adradzennie» and the Conservative Christian Party - BPF. Mr. Zianon Pazniak has defined the main tasks of the Front and the Party in 2005. Mr. Yuri Belenki, acting chairman in Belarus of the Front and the Party, has made a report: «The main political event in 2004 was the regimeв’s electoral campaign on October 17: the pseudo-elections and the illegitimate «referendum». Далей...

9/1/2005 › English


The Belarusan Solidarity

The Platform of the People’s Unity

1. The Belarusan Solidarity represents the platform of the Belarusan Rebirth. This is
the form of the unity of the Belarusan people and the position of the struggle against the occupation anti-Belarusan regime. Our declaration of the solidarity is simple and reliable in accordance with the principle formulated by Kastus Kalinouski (leader of the anti-Russian uprising in 1862-63):
– What do you like?
– I like Belarus.
– So I support you.

2. The Belarusan national state is the sense of the Belarusan national unity. The White-Red-White Flag and the Coat of Arms Pahonya are the symbols of the Belarusan state.

3. The Belarusan Solidarity is defending the truth of the Belarusan Rebirth in accordance with the principle: “The human rights are not the main priority for the Belarusan people, but the independence and the freedom. Because the “human right” don’t exist under the occupation”. It is necessary to struggle for the freedom and the liberation of Belarus and not to beg the regime and the occupants to give us the “rights”. The occupants don’t give any rights. They leave us the “right” to be the material for their imperialist interests.

4. The Belarusan Solidarity confirms and defends the democratic values of the national character. All the Belarusans ought respect and defend these values from the aggressive threat by Russia and from the policy of the anti-national Lukashenka regime in Belarus.

5. The Belarusan Solidarity represents the direction of the activity and the ideas of the Belarusan struggle in defense of the Belarusan independence, language, culture, Belarusan national property and the Belarusan state system of the democratic existence of the nation.

6. The Belarusan nation is united on the base of the Belarusan language, Belarusan history, Belarusan land, Belarusan culture, Belarusan state and the whole Belarusan community - the Belarusan people.

7. All the Belarusans independently from the world outlook and political tendencies are uniting on behalf of the defense of the Belarusan values, Belarusan symbols and Belarusan national interests.

8. The Belarusan Solidarity has many forms. But it is necessary always to take into consideration the anti-Belarusan policy of the pro-Moscow regime in Belarus and the threat to our national, cultural and state existence. Because of that - Belarus represents the most important priority. It is necessary to respect all the aspects of the Belarusan life, to respect the Belarusan state, to respect the Belarusan language and the Belarusan people, to respect the Belarusan land and the Belarusan culture, to respect the fruits of the Belarusan work. The Belarusans have to defend one another. The Belarusans have to help one to another. The Belarusans have to support one another always in Belarus and in the whole world.

Adopted by the Soim of the Conservative Christian Party - BPF
December, 2000-2004

15/12/2004 › English


The Soim of the Belarusan Popular Front “Adradzennie” and the Conservative Christian Party - BPF

December 12, 2004 the Soim of the Belarusan Popular Front «Adradzennie» and the Conservative Christian Party - BPF took place in Minsk. The Soim has heard the report by Mr. Zianon Pazniak, Chairman of the Belarusan Popular Front «Adradzennie» and the Conservative Christian Party - BPF:

«Ukraine has demonstrated that the Fatherland has the future if the best persons are fighting for it. We must know also that our struggle has a big sense. We must not be afraid of the obstacles. We must approach our Belarusan light future. Далей...

12/12/2004 › English

The Soim Of The Belarusan Popular Front “Adradzennie” and the Conservative Christian Party - BPF

November 14, 2004 the Soim of the Belarusan Popular Front «Adradzennie» and the Conservative Christian Party - BPF took place in Minsk. Далей...

14/11/2004 › English

President of the United States of America Mr. George W. Bush

Dear Mr. President George W. Bush!

I express my sincere congratulations in connection with your election to the Presidency of the United States of America.

We express our support of your policy in order to defend the freedom, justice and the normality of the human life.

The Belarusan democratic National and Liberation Movement is struggling against the dictatorship and we see future and free Belarus which will be in friendly relations with the United States.

Zianon Pazniak
Chairman of the Belarusan Popular Front “Adradzennie” and the Conservative Christian Party - BPF
New York

4/11/2004 › English


The regime is preparing a provocation in Kurapaty

The Memory Day Dziady (Ancestors) is one of the most important traditional Christian memorial days of the Belarusan people. This day the people remember its ancestors, this is a day of the prayer and the memory. Since the beginning of the Belarusan Rebirth in 1988 the Belarusans go this day to Kurapaty - a forest near Minsk where the Russian occupants had killed and buried in 1937-41 more than 250 thousand innocent persons. But since 1994 when the pro-Russian dictatorial Lukashenka regime had been established in our country the anti-popular authorities tried to liquidate this popular tradition. Далей...

28/10/2004 › English


The pines are murmuring above the grave

(After the excavations at Kurapaty)

This year (1988), from July 6 through 15, the investigative agencies of the Procurator’s Office of the BSSR carried out a selective exhumation of the graves at Kurapaty. The criminological investigation enquiry headed by Counsellor of Justice J.J.Broliss, a special investigator. A number of specialists (criminologists, medical experts, archaeologists, etc.) were officially invited to participate in the investigation. The archaeological excavations and the examination of the buried remains were carried out by a group of archaeologists from the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR (Z.S.Pazniak, M.M.Kryvalcevic, A.V.Iou). The scientific report on the archaeological investigations was reviewed, analysed, and approved by the Department of Archaeology (of that Institute) and submitted to the Procurator. Далей...

21/10/2004 › English

Kurapaty - the road of death

The information which we want to give our readers will be familiar to many of them. But it seems that, like us, those who knew all about it were victims of circumstance, and therefore have suffered. For us this suffering has been unbearable. Unbearable on account of the awareness that life slips quickly away, that people die, and that the memory of the terrible crimes committed during the 1930s against our nation is vanishing. Unbearable on account of the awareness that, if this memory is lost and perishes, it will all be repeated again from the beginning. Далей...

21/10/2004 › English

« Ранейшае  »

Беларускія Ведамасьці
Змаганьне за Беларусь
Старонкі гісторыі
Цікавая літаратура



Люты 2025
« Тра    

Ідзі і глядзі:


С. Навумчык. «Сем гадоў Адраджэньня, альбо фрагмэнты найноўшай беларускай гісторыі (1988-1995)»

З. Пазьняк. «Прамаскоўскі рэжым»

Зянон. Паэма «Вялікае Княства»

З. Пазьняк. «Развагі пра беларускія справы»

Курапаты  — беларуская сьвятыня

Збор фактаў расейскага тэрору супраць беларусаў

З. Пазьняк. «Беларуска-расейская вайна»

«Новае Стагоддзе» (PDF)

«Гутаркі з Антонам Шукелойцем» (PDF)



Беларуская Салідарнасьць:


1. Беларуская Салідарнасьць гэта ёсьць плятформа Беларускага Адраджэньня, форма ідэйнай лучнасьці паміж беларусамі і пазыцыя змаганьня з акупацыйным антыбеларускім рэжымам. Яе дэклярацыя салідарнасьці простая і надзейная, па прынцыпу Каліноўскага:
— Каго любіш?
— Люблю Беларусь.
— Дык узаемна.

2. Зьместам беларускага яднаньня ёсьць Беларуская нацыянальная дзяржава. Сымвалам Беларускай дзяржавы ёсьць нацыянальны Бел-Чырвона-Белы Сьцяг і гэрб Пагоня.

3. Беларуская Салідарнасьць стаіць за праўду Беларускага Адраджэньня, якое кажа: «Не правы чалавека — галоўнае для беларусаў, а незалежнасьць і свабода, бо не бывае „правоў чалавека“ пад акупацыяй». Трэба змагацца за свабоду і вызваленьне Беларусі, а не прасіць «правоў» у рэжыма і акупантаў. Акупанты правоў не даюць. Яны пакідаюць нам «права» быць рабочым матэрыялам дзеля іхных імпэрскіх інтарэсаў.

4. Беларуская Салідарнасьць сцьвярджае і абараняе дэмакратычныя каштоўнасьці народнага агульнанацыянальнага кшталту, якія мусяць шанаваць і бараніць усе беларусы перад небясьпекай агрэсіўнай пагрозы з Расеі і перад палітыкай антынацыянальнага рэжыму Лукашэнкі на Беларусі.

5. Беларуская Салідарнасьць мацуе грунт, кірунак дзеяньняў і ідэі беларускага змаганьня ў абарону беларускай незалежнасьці, мовы, культуры, беларускай нацыянальнай уласнасьці, маёмасьці і беларускай дзяржаўнай сістэмы дэмакратычнага існаваньня нацыі.

6. Усіх беларусаў як нацыю злучае і яднае беларуская мова, беларуская гісторыя, беларуская зямля, беларуская культура, беларуская дзяржава і ўся беларуская супольнасьць людзей — Беларускі Народ.

7. Усе беларусы, незалежна ад сьветапогляду і палітычных кірункаў, яднаюцца дзеля абароны беларускіх каштоўнасьцяў, беларускіх сымвалаў і беларускіх нацыянальных інтарэсаў.

8. Формы дзейнасьці Беларускай Салідарнасьці могуць быць рознымі, але заўсёды павінна ўлічвацца антыбеларуская палітыка прамаскоўскага рэжыму на Беларусі і пагроза нашаму нацыянальнаму, культурнаму і дзяржаўнаму існаваньню. Таму ва ўсіх справах — Беларусь перад усім. Трэба шанаваць усё беларускае. Шанаваць беларускую дзяржаўнасьць. Шанаваць беларускую мову і беларускі народ. Шанаваць беларускую зямлю і беларускую культуру. Шанаваць здабытак народнай працы. Беларус беларуса мусіць бараніць перад небясьпекай. Беларус беларусу мусіць дапамагаць. Беларус беларуса павінен падтрымліваць паўсюдна на Беларусі і ва ўсім сьвеце.

Сябры й партнэры:

Кансэрватыўна-Хрысьціянская Партыя - БНФ

Беларуская Салідарнасьць // 2000—2025